A fee schedule is typically required before adding charges, please view ourFee Schedule article for additional help. Where to go?
1. Users may add or edit a CPT code under Billing->Procedure Codes
2. Once under Procedure codes, Click Create or Search for an existing Procedure Code
CPT Code Settings
A. Times per unit will automatically be calculated when a charge is inserted in a note
*Keep in mind that any billing rule that is specified in the Insurance settings will overwrite the times per unit in the CPT code.
B. Select the appropriate settings for the Procedure code and click save.
Adding a CPT Code to the Fee Schedule
1. The CPT code must be added to the fee schedule before adding a charge.
2. Once the code is added to the fee schedule, charges may be added and will be calculated per unit.
Charge - This is the amount the practice charges for the given service. This is not necessarily the contract amount. The charge value is used in all exports and billing reports. This field is required to take advantage of most of QuickEMR's billing features.
Allowed - This is the amount the group is contracted to pay you. This field is used for your reference and is not exported or used in calculations.
Display Charge Settings
1. Users may choose whether or not they would like their charges to be displayed. This can be found under Settings->Documentation Video Guide
Fee Schedules are one of the more powerful features in QuickEMR. They allow the user to define the charges for each service/procedure based on date and insurance. This article covers the process of generating a fee schedule and how information is ...