Authorization Threshold - Auth required on visit #

Authorization Threshold - Auth required on visit #

This feature allows the user to set a threshold per insurance and per insurance policy. 

By default this threshold is set to 0 for "not enforced". To begin using this feature you may choose a default value on each insurance record. Visit Lists => Insurance => Select an insurance => Billing Tab. Set the value in the "Auth required on visit #" text area. A 1 would indicate an authorization is required for all visits, including the initial evaluation. A 2 would indicate the authorization is required beginning with the 2nd note. Important Note: the insurance setting is a default value and will not be enforced. Instead the default value will be used to set the threshold on a new insurance policy.

After this default value is set it will automatically populate on an insurance policy when this insurance is selected. The policy may also be overridden to use a different threshold if necessary. Important Note: Updated an insurance default threshold will only set the value on new insurance policies. They will not update existing policies. To start using this feature on existing policies each policy must be updated individually.

The threshold will display warnings on the note, note creation pages, and appointment creation after the threshold is met. It will also throw a validation error on the batch management screen preventing the note from being exported to an integrated billing system.

Note Page:

Note Create Page:


Batch Managment:

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