FOTO Integration Part 2: Usage

FOTO Integration Part 2: Usage


QuickEMR Patient => FOTO Patient

QuickEMR Case => FOTO Episode

QuickEMR Note => FOTO Encounter

  1. Create a new patient or visit an existing patient not connected to FOTO.
  2. FOTO requires several fields that are optional in QuickEMR. Before attempting to export make sure they are all set.
    1. Assigned Provider – FOTO will not give useful information if the provider changes from visit to visit.
    2. Assigned Provider’s NPI – This Is under the providers user record found in “Lists” => “Users” => {Select desired user} => “General” tab => “NPI Number”
    3. Patient’s Date of Birth - found on the “Patient” Tab.
    4. Patient’s Gender - found on the “Patient” Tab.
    5. Case Tax ID - is required if you are reporting MIPS. This can be set up at “Settings” => “Billing”. After adding each Tax ID you may set a default Tax ID for each facility at “Lists” => “Facilities” => {select desired facility} => “Settings” Tab => “Default Tax ID”. This will automatically set the selected Tax ID for each new case. Older cases must have the Tax ID manually selected.
  3. Select the “Outcomes” tab on the case.
    1. This will only be present if the “Outcomes Type” is already set up (see previous video).
    2. Your user must also have the permission “Case Outcomes View/Create/Update”. You can set this in the desired permissions template “Settings” => “Permissions Templates” or on the users custom permissions “Settings” => “Users” => {select desired user} => “Permissions” tab => “Customize” You may only edit permissions as a super user or with the “Update Permissions” permission.
    3. If you updated your settings or permissions since visiting the case, refresh the case page in your browser for the new tab to appear.
  4. The “View on FOTO” link will open FOTO in a new window at a location appropriate to the case 
    1. If the case is not exported the button will simply log you into FOTO's home page. 
    2. If the patient is exported but not the case the link will take you to the patient record in FOTO. 
    3. If the patient and case are exported the link will take you to the associated episode of care in FOTO.
  5. Select the “Export Patient to FOTO” or “Export Case to FOTO” if this is a new case for an existing patient in FOTO.
    1. If a red warning box appears resolve the issues indicated (usually missing data such as assigned provider or DOB) and try again.
    2. If the “Episode Setup” form appears the patient was successfully exported/updated and mapped to QuickEMR. 
    3. The case information is not yet exported. If you wish to manually create Episodes in FOTO you may close the form, refresh the tab (by selecting the “Outcomes” tab again), and skip to step 8 note b.
  6. The “Episode Setup” form should appear. The fields here attempt to set themselves however they should be reviewed for accuracy.
    1. Body Part – This is the injury “group” the patients is in and determines which survey FOTO will present to them. QuickEMR attempts to map this based on some of the more common Diagnosis codes but this mapping is very limited. You will most likely need to set this yourself. Also if a diagnosis code is not yet set on the case this will always be empty.
    2. Payer Source – This is a mapping from the Insurance Records “Type” box. You can set this at “Lists” => “Insurance Companies” => “General” Tab => “Type”. FOTO does not support all of the standardized types so “other” will be selected if either there is no mapping or the Insurance “Type” is not set.
    3. “Care Type” – This will always be set to Orthopedic by default. A setting may be added in the future to set this more intelligently when we have more information on how our clients are using the system.
    4. Impairment – This is optional.
  7. After submitting the form you will be taken to FOTO. Due to limitation of the FOTO API, QuickEMR is unable to confirm if the episode was created successfully. So you must confirm the Patient and Episode details did create and no errors are on the screen. If an error did occur STOP! Do not continue performing Outcomes steps with this patient. Create a support ticket via the “Help” widget on the left side of the QuickEMR browser screen.
    1. WARNING: Pop-Ups must be enabled in your Chrome browser for this to succeed. Visit: for details on how to enable pop-ups. If your Episode creation fails due to disabled pop-ups refresh the tab (by selecting the “Outcomes” tab and select the “export case” button.
  8. Assuming the Episode created successfully, close the FOTO tab which should take you back to the case browser tab. The modal should state “Patient Exported!” and asks you to select “Join New Episode”. This will “Claim” the newly created FOTO episode for this QuickEMR case.
    1. If for some reason the “Join Episode” box or the browser tab is closed before claiming the episode, return to the case Outcomes tab and a new “Claim” button should be present. Use this button to claim the new episode.
    2. You may also manually create the episode inside of FOTO and “Claim” the episode in QuickEMR.
    3. IMPORTANT: You may only have 1 unclaimed episode in FOTO at a time or QuickEMR will be unable to determine which episode to claim. This means if you have 2 cases for the same patient you must export and claim the Outcomes Episode on one case before starting the export on another. Resolving multiple unclaimed episodes will require manual intervention by FOTO support staff (
  9. The patient and case are now synchronized with FOTO. The user should fill out a brief survey served by FOTO. You may e-mail this survey directly from FOTO (contact FOTO support for this functionality) or you may use one of the methods under “Initiate a New Survey” on the “Outcomes” tab.
    1. URL/E-Mail – Gives you the physical URL of the survey and allows you to e-mail it directly from QuickEMR, creating a patient contact.
    2. QR Code – Generates a 2-D bar-code that you can scan with a tablet or smartphone. Great if you have an i-pad in the lobby you hand to new patients for this survey.
    3. Lobby Access – Generates a 6 character Access code. Ideal if you have a “public” computer or fixed position tablet in the lobby with a link directly to FOTO. You would write down the code on a post-it and tell the patient to put it into the computer in the lobby.
  10. The claim based MIPS Measures must be manually completed by the therapist as appropriate for each note. When a note is marked “complete” the visit and the MIPS measures are sent to FOTO.
  11. Status surveys should be completed by the patient every 4-6 visits. These survey may be triggered by the therapist using the same "Initiate a New Survey" options listed in Step 9.
  12. When a discharge note is created the FOTO episode will also be discharged. You will be expected to issue a discharge survey in order to generate the Outcomes specific measure. If no Discharge survey is completed the most recent status survey will be used. FOTO can give additional information on their algorithm for generating the MIPS measures.
  13. After the patient has completed at least one survey select the "Refresh Surveys" button on the Outcomes tab.
  14. The table will be refreshed with the data, type, and link to each report. Select View Report for the detailed PDF report for the intake predictions or status.
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