How to enable fax, email or Phone note on the contact log for a user?
Accessing a User's Permission: Where to go?
1. In order to edit a user's account, you will need to navigate to List->Users
2. Click on the account code associated to the user to access the profile.
Accessing a Users Permissions
1. Once you access a user's profile, you will need to navigate to the permissions tab on the left.
2. Click Customize to begin editing a user's permission
*If the user happens to be using a template, it is advised to choose the option labeled as 'Permission Template.' This allows for the modification of templates; any alterations applied to the template will have an impact on all users assigned that particular template, rather than affecting only individual users.
What Permissions are needed?
In order for a user to email, fax, or add a phone note, they will need the associated permissions highlighted in the red box.
Case Contact Email and Site Email = Allows a user the ability to email from Quickemr
Case Contact Fax and Site Fax = Allows a user the ability to fax from Quickemr
Case Contact Phone = allows a user to add a phone note to the contact log
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