Print Provider signature: Default setting on the case
Print provider signature is a setting that determines if a signature request should be present when printing a note to paper or pdf. It has no validation or report behaviors attached to it. It should be set if either Need Physician Signature is set or a physician signature is preferred but optional.
Used as default value for note creation, if set will automatically have print provider signature checked on the note. Print Provider signature on the note
If set the note will print a provider signature request at the bottom of the print-out.Default Setting: Need Physician Signature
Need physician signature indicates a physician signature is required for the given note. There is a follow-up Received and a corresponding date field to set when the signature is received. The current status of notes with this set may be seen in "Reports" => "General" => "Provider Signature".
In order to apply this setting, the user will need to navigate to Documentation->Customize Note Details.
Once under 'Customize Note Details' select the Patient Type->Document Type and click Edit
A new modal will appear and check 'Need Provider Signature'
Doing this will auto check the "Need Physician Signature" on the associated Document Type.
If this option is selected, the note will include a request for a provider signature at the bottom of the print out as well as provide data tracking on the provider signature report.