Problem Templates

Problem Templates

Therapist Notes: Accessing Problem Templates

      1. Navigate to the Problems/Goals tab
      2. Click Load Template under problems
Template menu will display
      1. Select Template
      2.Select Entries (click the top check box to select/deselect all entries)
      3. Insert Entries

Manage Templates: Where to go?

    1. Users will be able to manage their problem templates under Documentation-> Templates

Editing or Creating a Problems Template
      1. Select the problem's template type
      2. Create a new template name and select the "description" to build entries
      3. Click in the empty space to type entries.

My List: Setting up Template Options for Individual Users

  1. Select Problems
  2. Check mark "My List" and create entries as normal for individual user
      *Super users cannot assign templates to individual users, templates will need to be created using the specified account.

Therapist Notes: Accessing "My List" Templates

      1. When clicking on "Load Template" the user will need to select "My List" on the bottom left

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