Progress note due (Days) and (Visits) Set up for warnings
Insurance Companies
Progress note reminders can be set up within the insurance setting.
1. This can be found by going to List -> Insurance Companies.
2. After navigating to the insurance list, select the insurance code or search to proceed to the settings.
Insurance Settings
1. Once in the selected insurance, you will be defaulted to the general tab.
2. From here you can indicate when this warning will display for that particular insurance
A warning will appear when a note is created and is within the specified range.
1. Visit warning will display 3 visits prior to the set value in the insurance setting
2. PN date will display a waring 14 days prior to the set value on the case info in the patient's chart
Document Type
1. For this feature to work correctly, also ensure that your note special type is set up accordingly.
This can be done under Documentation->Customize Note Details
(Please visit our Customize Note Details article for additional help)
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